The road to self-discovery in every woman's life can be both liberating as well as laborious. Mother, friend, wife, career girl. We're constantly changing and juggling from one persona into the next in the hopes of finally finding our true selves along the way. It takes a lot of skins to finally get there, and while the world is generally divvied up between good and bad, saints and sinners, the yin and the yang, at what point do both dualities co-exist? Is it possible, if at all realistic, to remain consistent throughout the trials and tribulations or are most of us just cleverly disguised behind a deeper, darker secret identity?
It only took a few whirls for Lynda Carter to transform into Wonder Woman, and even though her mission was to serve and protect the good of mankind, the same cannot be said about the many alter-ego's that non-fictional characters such as you and I adopt after a little hooch is added into the equation. While alcohol may impair one's judgement in most situations, it also happens to be one of the most powerful truth serums next to sodium pentothal, and just like the Gummi Bears, it usually takes a few little gulps before we're bouncing here, there and pretty much everywhere.
A reputation that took a lifetime to build can only take an instant to destroy. How many times have we woken up from a serious bender only to ask ourselves the same question that's on everybody's lips; who the hell was that last night? Suppressing one's thoughts, emotions and even one's true identity is easy to accomplish in the sobering light of day, but without a telephone booth or magical cape to hide behind, the harsh reality is that we all live a double life under the influence, which poses an even bigger question; are we really who we think and say we are or are we all just hiding behind a mask?
Miranda's 31st birthday saw four of the original Avengers reunite under one lavishly decorated Camps Bay villa which served as the official headquarters for the weekends debauchery. It was the perfect opportunity to let go and surrender to all the pressures and expectations that the awesome foursome had experienced over the past couple of months, from motherhood and matrimony to high pressured promotions and a recent parting of ways.
What started out with pretty coloured cocktails along the sunset strip ended up with several Jagerbombs, each one detonating a potent blend of drunken alter-ego's. From the North, Naughty Nina, whose super-powers allowed her the confidence and ability to flirt and rub up against anyone and anything that stood still long enough, had ended up in one of the bedrooms with a mystery man that not even she could remember. From the South, Sloppy Sarah, who had already lost her cell phone and credit card earlier that evening, continued to lose her dignity by throwing up vodka jelly all over what used to be a very expensive, and very white, carpet. Goodbye deposit and then some.
The night would not be complete without a performance from Emo Emma whose fear of being in another failed relationship had consumed her to the point of turning into the Hulk. Exit Emma and enter Angry Annie, whose public blow out with her boyfriend was so uncomfortable, that a perfect stranger had ushered her into a taxi and back to the East side where she belonged. And poor Hefty Hannah. No morsel is ever safe when she's been boozing. Instead of turning into a pumpkin, she ate one and everything else in sight. Those countless hours in the gym and week long diet programme don't mean a thing when Um-nom-nom is on the prowl.
The cameo appearance of one's second self can be altogether frightening even if it is temporary and fuelled by body shots or mind-altering substances. While many of us believe them to be a far cry from our true and normal selves, it does make you wonder about certain truths that are buried deep inside the subconscious. Sasha Fierce, Roman Zolanski, Tannie Evita. Is the sole purpose of an alter-ego purely for entertainment or does it maybe offer an alternative reflection of our personality and to our soul?
When it comes to drunken altered egos, is it Jekyll that we secretly Hyde from?
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